Welcome to BiteSize University!

- innovative corporate elearning

Small bites.
Big Results!

100+ e-courses that will take up only 60 minutes of your precious time.
Tought by leading specialists. Designed by experts in learning.

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become an indispensable employee or leader!

Choose from 100+ professional e-courses that will help you become the best version of yourself.

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so, what is bitesize learning?

Together with our academic board of professors and learning experts, we have created the ambitious digital learning design, “BiteSize Learning 60”. It’s about splitting learning into smaller (more digestible) bites. And it’s about guiding you as a learner and changing the way you act and think about the given subject – all in only 60 minutes. Well, in fact, it’s about 23 other aspects as well. Read them here … 

Download our whitepaper:
‘The renegade philosophy of BiteSize Learning 60’


Popular e-courses

e-course, e-learning
Overcome presentation anxiety

Learn how to eliminate anxiety when doing a presentation and speaking in public.

e-course, e-learning
Improve your efficiency at work

Learn to manage your time, structure your work and be more efficient (with less stress).

Change management for leaders

Learn to drive and communicate changes, and ensure that everyone is in fact on board.

Explore all 100+ e-courses

Get the full overview of all the e-courses. And find the first course, you would like to do in your free trial period.

get smarter - from the office, from home or from the beach

You can even do the courses on your smartphone. 

elearning, free e-course
elearning, free e-course
elearning, free e-course
elearning, free e-course

Meet our academic board!

Meet the academic board that backs up our innovative e-learning design

Professor in learning
Ass. professor in digital learning

Professor in Leadership

Educational philosopher